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- Beautiful and large expressionist oil on canvas painting, painted in 1997 by the famous Limburg visual artist Alexander Vogels. Signed in the lower right corner. The large canvas (100 x 120cm) is in very good condition and is professionally framed.
- Original gallery price: € 6,400.00
Alexander Vogels was born in 1952 in Heerlen. After spending his youth in Australia, Alexander Vogels attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Maastricht. He learned to paint at what was then the City Academy with Gilbert de Bontridder and Peter Wehrens. He is the classic example of an artist who manifests himself in his work as a passionate traveler. Civilizations that attach great value to tradition, magic, rituals and symbolism can count on his unconditional attention and preference. He traveled through the North African Tassili Mountains and visited several Indian reserves. That he is interested in primitive cultures is interesting, but what is important is that he is an exceptionally gifted artist. He has had countless exhibitions and trade fair presentations. From Mallorca to Stockholm, from Vienna and Frankfurt to Salamanca and Paris, and his work can be found in important art collections. His inspirations shape his work, but his way of painting makes him so fascinating. The materialization of the intangible, the handling of the paint, the adventurous battle with color with which he effortlessly knows how to evoke original and positive feelings. Alexander Vogels is a lyrical-abstract painter par excellence. For Alexander, however, figuration is not a goal but merely a support for the color composition. Frequently recurring elements such as ladder, mask and vehicle are not symbols but playful building blocks that provide a foothold for the abstract play of colors. Every artist has a father and a mother: according to Alexander, for him these were Kandinsky and especially Ger Lataster, two greats in painting. Confronted with that statement, Lataster responded: "But he did solve it in his own way." With which the master aptly expressed the universal problem of the artist with the word "'t". Through his canvases (often large format) Alexander Vogels gives us an intensive account of his spiritual journey to the essence of painting.
If you would like to view the artworks offered by us (before the auction ends), you are of course very welcome in our shop in Purmerend. Please send a message/email in advance to schedule an appointment. After the auction you can choose from various shipping (Postnl) / delivery (Swift or our own courier) and / or pick-up options (depending on the size and fragility of the item in question). The packaging is done carefully and with sufficient material (bubble wrap / mdf panels) to limit any damage to a minimum. For multiple purchases we will, where possible, combine shipping to keep the costs for you as low as possible. Pick-up is possible at any time up to 1 month after purchase! If you need more time, that is always negotiable.