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Top size: 44cm x 61cm.
About the artist
Cornelis (Cees) Bolding was a Dutch painter, draftsman and lithographer. He painted cityscapes, landscapes, harbor views, portraits and still lifes. He was a student at the National Academy of Visual Arts in Amsterdam from 1915 to 1921 and active as a painter from 1919. Later he was a member of the artists' associations Arti et Amicitiae Amsterdam, Pulchri Studio The Hague, the Dutch Association of Marine Painters and the Hague Watercolourists' Association. He was also deputy director of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague. Bolding has won several awards for his work; the Royal Prize for Painting, the Cohen-Gosschalk Prize in 1919, the Willink van Collen Prize and the Prix de Rome in 1922.