Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt - Sold

Buy Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt? Bid from 95!
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Drawing / Aquarelle

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Buy Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt? Bid from 95!
Buy Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt? Bid from 95!Buy Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt? Bid from 95!Buy Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt? Bid from 95!Buy Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt? Bid from 95!Buy Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt? Bid from 95!Buy Ernie Centofanti, pastel op papier, liggend naakt? Bid from 95!
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  • Description
  • Ernie Centofanti
Type of artwork Drawing / Aquarelle
Period 1945 to 1999
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Over de kunstenaar:
Ernie began serious drawing in 1975, concentrating on technical drawings and architectural renderings. He studied under Ray Atzet and David Hatfield. In 1983 he began studying pastels with D. Johnston Hays, a local pastel and watercolor artist who became Ernie's mentor and inspiration. Ernie's primary focus at this time was portraiture, but in later years he expanded his subject matter to include still life (especially paintings of food), landscapes, and some figure painting (NUDES !). Animals are also a favorite.
In 1996 he became a member of the Southern California Pastel Society, and two of his juried pieces won Best of Category for Still Life, and Honorable Mention for Figure Study/Animal, respectively.
Ernie makes his home in Southern California, and is currently taking commissions for portraiture of people and/or animals, as well as any other subject matter which may interest the client. He works strictly from photographs submitted by the client.

Pasteltekening op papier, (ongeveer) 42 bij 45 cm.
Signatuur en datering rechtsonder in potlood: 'Ernie Centofanti 2003'.

NB. Evt. af te halen in Oegstgeest


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Ernie Centofanti

Added by  KunstkamerZandvoort
Member since 2012
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