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Copper engraving by Gerard Mercator and published in Amsterdam by Jodocus Hondius in an early Latin version of the Atlas Minor: 'Atlas Minor Gerardi Mercatoris à I. Hondio plurimis aeneis tabulis auctus et illustratus'.
With decorative cartouches and two ships in combat in the Mare Germanicnum. The west is oriented above.
Jodocus Hondius (1563-1612) was a Flemish cartographer who settled in Amsterdam in 1593. There he founded his publishing house in the building on the Kalverstraat 'Inde Wackeren Hondt'. Around 1604, partly on the advice of Petrus Bertius, he bought the plates from the estate of Mercator. Supplemented with 36 new maps, a reissue of the now called Mercator-Hondius Atlas came onto the market in 1606. The Atlas minor was a reduced edition. Later his son Henricus and his son-in-law Johannes Janssonius continued the publishing house. After 1628 Janssonius published an adapted version. Abraham Goos and Petrus Kaerius collaborated on this edition.