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Hans van Norden (1915-2011) was a painter, ceramist, monumental artist, set and costume designer and teacher. He was educated at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. In 1945 he founded the Scapino Ballet together with Hans Snoek and Nicolaas Wijnberg. For more than 20 years he designed sets and costumes for Scapino, the Rotterdams Toneel and the Nederlandsche Opera. In 1948, together with Theo Kurpershoek and Nicolaas Wijnberg, he founded 'de Realisten', a group of artists who opposed abstract art. He was co-designer of the literary magazine 'Tirade', which started in 1957, and was involved in 'Kabinet Floret', an art gallery on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal in Amsterdam, where he was the artistic director together with Harry op de Laak and Nicolaas van Wijnberg.