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Johannes Nicolaas was born in Amsterdam in 1885. He died in Eindhoven in 1943. He attended the Rijksschool voor Kunstnijverheid in Amsterdam for a period of 4 years. In the evenings he took lessons with professor Dake. After his studies he travelled through Europe and the Indies. He visited Italy and exhibited in Paris.
In Surabaya he founded a painting school and an artists' association in 1925. Nicolaas painted, drew and etched still lifes, portraits and landscapes, including many Indian works, in a moderate impressionistic style. In the Netherlands he lived and worked in various places, including Meppel. In 1934 he left Meppel for Eindhoven.
Nicolaas was a member of Arti et Amecitia in Amsterdam. The painter is well described in the Scheen and the book Schilders van Drenthe by Roel Sanders.