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DE BRUYCKER Jules (Ghent 1870 - 1945)
Brother and critic - 1941
Signed and numbered 92/100 in pencil
Jules De Bruycker (Ghent, March 29, 1870 - ibid., September 5, 1945) is considered, like James Ensor, one of the most important Flemish etchers.
Old Ghent and its inhabitants were his main source of inspiration.
He became a professor at the Higher Institute for Fine Arts in Antwerp. He worked for a while in the same studio as Charles-René Callewaert. During the First World War he stayed in London and acquired world fame there with his war pictures. Typical of his art are depictions of old folk types, while his remarkable cathedrals (Rouen, Amiens, Antwerp) caused a sensation. Also folk scenes in Paris, Brussels and Antwerp depict everyday, often impoverished life with virtuosity.