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Beautiful large coin by Marianne Letterie. The coin is kept beautifully flat and has a beautiful depth effect with minimal relief. Very nice subject 'goose flight'.
For years, a Verenigingspenning had not had such a beautiful surface as the Ganzevlucht by Letterie. A minimum of elevation, a very light, grainy surface where on one side a flying goose looms, on the other side two with the wing of a third. The lines flow rhythmically and powerfully; on the lower edge of the wings the feathers and tail are depicted with parallel incisions. The surface, which is not quite smooth, gives a suggestion of mist and clouds: autumn tide when the birds are migrating to warmer regions. On the side of one bird - and the title - an Art Nouveau-like line has been introduced with an elegant curl so as not to make the round of the medal too rigid and to give a visual answer to the curved placement of the letters. The design has such a beautiful stillness that the literary reference to Niels Holgersson, the boy from Selma Lagerlöf's book, is not noticeable. He has been transformed into a gnome size, flies along on the back of the goosey-gander and experiences his adventures all over Sweden. His foot sticks out from under the wing of the upper goose. (source VVPK)