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A unique tapestry (1/1; signed PR) by the French artist Paul Risch (1943 Haguenau), who was director of ENAD d'Aubusson (Ecole nationale d'Art Décoratif, academy founded in the 18th century) and artistic advisor around 1980 from Limousin. Aubusson was and is the center of the tapestry in France and internationally known. Paul Risch was a versatile artist and usually exhibited with a combination of tapestry and painting, but also made sculptures. His tapestries were of very high quality and he collaborated with the best weavers and workshops in and outside France. His serigraphs were also often inspired by the environmental cause for which he acted as an artist. In the Netherlands, Paul Risch exhibited exclusively in the Textile Museum in Tilburg in March 1980 (opening by the Queen's Commissioner in North Brabant). The carpet (unique, 1/1; signed PR) was bought by the seller on the occasion of this exhibition in Tilburg. The carpet comes with full documentation of the exhibition and information about the artist, photos etc. of the artist.