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Beautiful colorful work by Piotr Konkel.
Very good quality! Silkscreen on panel with black borders placed to the back, is in good condition.
Piotr Konkel, born in 1963 in Poland and the youngest of seven children, fled the hard life under the communist regime in 1974 together with his mother and sister and came to the Netherlands. In 1980 he went to the Graphic School in Amsterdam. Two years later he left for The Hague to study Graphic Design at the Royal Academy of Art. Piotr mainly works with oil paint and acrylic on paper, linen and panel.
What he expresses with his paintings has everything to do with his youth in Poland, his Catholic upbringing and his love to make the unrecognizable known. This concerns primary and emotional desires of man. He subtly weaves these conscious (or unconscious) desires into his work. For this he uses powerful archetypal images, aided by texts. Pjotr sees his work as a registration of his past and as a result also as a journey to undiscovered inner landscapes.