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Willy Belinfante - Sauerbier (The Hague, 1922 - Amsterdam, 2014)
She was educated at the Hague Academy of Fine Arts (1940-1945). After the war she was taught by Paul Citroen.
Through her husband, the lawyer and professor Guus Belinfante, Willy Belinfante came into contact with academic life. She usually stood as 'wife of' watching the receptions, promotions or parties, without getting involved. Her observations as an outsider can later be seen in her work. The life in the South of France was also a source of inspiration.
Willy Belinfante made, among other things, figure representations, landscapes, portraits and book illustrations in an impressionistic and figurative style.
Her compositions are complex, although you don't immediately see it. Her narrative paintings and etchings are also rich in color.