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Franz Bodner was born May 1966 in Klagendurt, Austria. His artistic studies included decorative art, metalwork, and interior design. At the age of 19 he decided to explore his career options in the cosmopolitan city of Vienna. In the beginning, his artistic interests had to take a back seat to his successful career in the health care industry. After four years, he could no longer deny his desire to paint full time. He began with small watercolors and moved to large oils on canvas. Soon his bright, colorful, inspirational images were exhibited in countless galleries throughout Austria.
Vienna applauded his talent. However, in 1995, Bodner moved to the Netherlands where he needed to reestablish himself in the art market. After eight years, Bodner succeeded in making a name for himself in the Pop Art arena. His artwork is now being distributed in the United States, Austria, Germany, as well as the Netherlands.
The secret of Franz Bodner's success is his patience, talent, and professionalism, combined with an unshakeable positive outlook. Bodner portrays his own view of the world using these qualities and abilities. They influence his personal language of pictures in dazzling bright colors. But there is a deeper side to this cheerful world. There is always a social undertone or a gentle push towards the simple acts of thinking about the essence of life. In his oil paintings, gouaches, graphics and more recently in objects of art, Bodner has proven his art cannot be ignored.
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weinig zichtbare onregelmatigheden. Recentelijk professioneel ingelijst door JolLijst Amsterdam.
Die Arbeit kann vor Ort abgeholt werden. Als Käufer müssen Sie Ihr eigenes Verpackungsmaterial mitbringen. Der Standort ist: Amsterdam, Niederlande
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