Senufo - 200607 - Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask - Iv. Coast. - Verkauft

Senufo - 200607 - Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask - Iv. Coast. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!
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Senufo - 200607 - Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask - Iv. Coast. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!
Senufo - 200607 - Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask - Iv. Coast. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Senufo - 200607 - Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask - Iv. Coast. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Senufo - 200607 - Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask - Iv. Coast. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Senufo - 200607 - Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask - Iv. Coast. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Senufo - 200607 - Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask - Iv. Coast. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!
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  • Beschreibung
  • Senufo
Art des Kunstwerks Ethnographie
Zeitraum 1945 bis 1999
Technik Holz
Stil Afrikanisch
Thema Figur
Maße 43 x 14 x 19 cm (h x b x t)
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Tribal used African Senufo Helmet mask, Iv. Coast.

Hand carved from a single piece of wood.

Height: 43 cm.

The Senufo number 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 and live in Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Burkina Faso, and the extreme south of Mali. They live principally off the fruits of agriculture and occasionally hunting. Senufo agriculture is typical of the region, including millet, sorghum, maize, rice, and yams. They also grow bananas, manioc, and a host of other crops that have been borrowed from cultures throughout the world. Small farm animals such as sheep, goats, chickens, guinea fowl, and dogs are raised. Minimal amounts of hunting and fishing also contribute to the local economy. Labor is divided between farmers and skilled artisans, and while it was once thought that these segments of society did not intermarry, In addition to a belief in a creator deity, ancestors and nature spirits, a central concept in Senufo religion is a female ancestral spirit called “ancient mother” or “ancient woman,” the sacred guiding spirit of each poro society. All adult men belong to the poro society, which maintains the continuity of religious and historical traditions, especially through the cult of the ancestors. The poro is the pillar of communal life. Responsible for initiation and training of the young boys, it is aimed at shaping an accomplished, social man who is integrated to the collective; it aids his entry into public responsibilities. A woman’s association, the sandogo, in charge of divination, is responsible for contact with the bush spirit who might be bothered by the activities of the hunt, farming, or of artisans.

ZustandSehr gut
Abholen Die Arbeit kann vor Ort abgeholt werden. Als Käufer müssen Sie Ihr eigenes Verpackungsmaterial mitbringen. Der Standort ist: Hengelo, Niederlande
PreisBis zu 5 kg.
Innerhalb von Niederlande 7,25 €

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