Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. - Verkauft

Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!
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Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!
Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!Vuvi - 171004 - Old African Tribal used Belly mask from the Vuvi - Gabon. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 45!
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  • Beschreibung
  • Vuvi
Art des Kunstwerks Ethnographie
Zeitraum 1900 bis 1944
Technik Holz
Stil Afrikanisch
Thema Maske
Maße 31 x 26 x 22 cm (h x b x t)
Übersetzt mit Google Translate. Originaltext anzeigen .

Hand carved from a single piece of wood, with color pigments

Height: 31 cm.

Tribal used Impressive african Belly mask with a baby face from the Vuvi, Gabon.

Height: 31 cm.

The professional standard is not included in the auction. You can order it there for 29.85 euros.

Taxatiewaarde; 125 - 175 euro

The Vuvi live in central Gabon. Vuvi bwiti association’s masks are characterized by the relative flatness of their design and the emblematic nature of the facial features and markings. These masks serve as agents through which ancestral spirits reappear during funeral ceremonies and solemn communal gatherings. The color white equates with death, and the simple blackened facial features are graphic signs, representing esoteric knowledge handed down from the ancestors. The ovoid face has strongly arched eyebrows often extending from the bridge of the nose to the edge of the mask. The eyebrows may demarcate a heart-shaped area with narrow eye slits and a slightly open, thin-lipped mouth. Each mask apparently had a special name related to the spirit it embodied. During nocturnal performances announced by drum music, the leader of the rite would intone a specific song that reminded the onlookers of the individual traits of the spirit represented by the masqueraders.

The Vuvi cast metal bells with cephalomorphic handles, while their carvers decorated the ebanza cult house with doors and posts. They were covered with white pigments, leaving the raised geometric and figurative motifs plain.   

ZustandSehr gut
Abholen Die Arbeit kann vor Ort abgeholt werden. Als Käufer müssen Sie Ihr eigenes Verpackungsmaterial mitbringen. Der Standort ist: Hengelo, Niederlande
PreisBis zu 5 kg.
Innerhalb von Niederlande 8,00 €
Nach Belgien 24,00 €
Nach Deutschland 24,00 €
In die EU 24,00 €
Weltweit 40,00 €

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