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Photos are part of the description. The work has a small restoration.
Henk Welther was born in 1891 in The Hague. He also died here after a probably unnatural death in 1947.
According to the data of the National Bureau for Coastal History in The Hague, the name Henk Welther may be a pseudonym for Aris Knikker. The RKD also reports that this pseudonym may have been used between 1925 and 1970. Given the death of Henk Welther in 1947, this date must be adjusted in any case. An article by Mr. Heerkens Thijssen, Registered Broker and Valuer in Haarlem in the Kunst en Antiek journaal of June/July 2005, shows that Henk Welther was an art broker from The Hague who purchased unsigned work by, among others, Arnoud van Gilst Jan and Aris Knikker Jan Knikker junior and Henk Schallenberg and provided this work with his own signature or that of H Endlich or W. Markenstein. Work provided with these signatures can therefore be from different “creators”.
The following additional information was obtained from a relative of Henk Welther
Henk Welther moved in the Hague art world. He himself was not without merit. Yet, according to his daughter-in-law, his livelihood consisted mainly of selling works by others, for which he acted as an intermediary. Sometimes it was signed work, often not and then he signed it under his own name Henk Welther. This name did particularly well in America and Canada. His mother's name H Endlich was mainly used for the German market.
In 1947 Henk Welther died in The Hague. This was probably not a natural death. His stock of paintings and all the money he had with him that day were never found. The police were never able to solve the case. After this year, no signed work by H Welther, H Endlich and W Markenstein by Henk Welther could have come onto the market.
Of Henk Welther's eight children, only one daughter is still alive in 2005. A granddaughter of Henk Welther has a nursing home in Germany called Haus Janske, named after Henk Welther's wife, Janske Woutera Kakebeen.