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Project Man with Scarab.
Artist Rob Thalen had an idea for an art project, in which he wanted to connect different cultures, religions and political movements with each other through art. He was given a piece of land by the Rijksdienst voor de IJsselmeerpolders (RIJP) and the Municipality of Lelystad, which in 1984 resulted in the 1st phase of his project "Man with scarab", a concrete sculpture; and white and blue painted wooden poles in a triangular pattern.
At 9 different locations (spread across several countries) artworks inspired by this would be placed, which together form an imaginary triangle. At the end point in Atlanta (Georgia, USA) an aluminum Man with Scarab would be placed as a conclusion, surrounded by an excavated shape in the ground, corten steel columns and soil samples from the other locations. The wooden poles in Lelystad are markers for this final phase. They indicate the shape that would one day be seen (or have been seen...) in Atlanta. On imaginary connecting lines between the different locations, Thalen wanted to bury small packages with detailed information about the project, for the chance finder or future archaeologist, a link between the project and time.