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A very well-preserved sheet from 1974 from the series Le bestinaire de la Fontaine , Dalinise, Auvergne, catalog raisonné R. Michler / LW Löpsinger (ed.), Salvador Dali - the graphic work 1924 - 1980. Regarding the motif of the sheet Le corbeau et le renard / The raven and the fox: In the famous fables by Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) 12 animals and their "social" behavior are shown. Each of the fables illustrates the psychological traits associated with the story's "hero" animal. The fable: A raven got hold of a whole piece of cheese and flew with it up a tree to eat it there. A fox came running, lured by the smell of the cheese. He sat down under the tree on which the raven was sitting and flattered: "How glad I am to meet you in person one day. I was told that you were the best singer around. Your voice shall be second to none. Is that true? You would make my heart happy if you would give me a sample of your wonderful song". The raven was very happy to hear such words. It straightened up and immediately began to croak in the raven-like manner. right in front of the fox's front paws, who grabbed him and carried him to safety Conclusion: Beware of flattery.