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Landscapes with forests and polders were a source of inspiration for her paintings and etchings for a long time. The river landscape of Lek regularly returned in her work. Traveling to countries such as Italy, France, Morocco, Thailand and Jordan provided new subjects. Gothic building structures and old cultures fascinated her beyond measure. She applied impressions of these fragmentarily. Parts of vaults and columns, mythological stories she translated into a dreamy world depicted in warm earth colours. In her immediate environment, her dogs are also a source of inspiration. Making portraits on commission is one of her specialities.
Over the years, Diekstra has achieved great perfection in the technique of etching. In 1986, she received the first prize for graphics from the Schut paper factory in Heelsum. She exhibits at home and abroad, works on commission and regularly participated in the art manifestation “Grafiek Nu”. In 1987 and 1988, she contributed to the course book and the television series Portrettekenen en -schilderen and Landschaptekenen en -schilderen by Teleac. She also published the book “Karikaturen teken” in 1990, published by Cantecleer. She is a member of the Genootschap Kunstliefde, from which she received a travel grant to Rome and Pompeii in 1991.
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