Bambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali. - Vendu

AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!
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AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!
AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!AcheterBambara - 210147 - African Bambara Souroukou mask - Mali.? Enchérissez de 35!
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  • Description
  • Bambara
Type d'œuvre d'art Objets ethnographiques
Période 1945 à 1999
Technique Bois
Style Africain
Sujet Masque
Dimensions 39 x 24 x 16 cm (h x l x p)
Traduit avec Google Translate. Texte original afficher .
Bambara Souroukou mask from Mali.Hand carved from wood, carved decoration.Height: 39 cm.

An African Mali Bambara Kore Society Men’s Red Dance Mask Depicting a Hyena.

The professional standard is not included in the auction. You can order it there for 29.85 euros.

Taxatiewaarde; 200 - 275 euro

he Bambara numbering 2,500.000 million form the largest ethnic group within Mali. The triangle of the Bambara region, divided in two parts by the Niger River, constitutes the greater part of the western and southern Mali of today. The dry savanna permits no more than a subsistence economy, and the soil produces, with some difficulty, corn, millet, sorghum, rice, and beans. Their traditions include six male societies, each with its own type of mask. Initiation for men lasts for seven years and ends with their symbolic death and their rebirth. Nearly every Bambara man had to pass through these societies in succession, until, upon reaching the highest rank, he had acquired a comprehensive knowledge of ancestral traditions. 

The jo society has become a sort of framework for other initiation society. Until a few decades ago, initiation was obligatory for every young man. Jo initiations take place every seven years, after candidates receive six years of special training. During this time, the young men go through a ritual death and live one week in the bush before returning to the village. There they publicly perform the dances and songsthey have learned in the bush, and receive small presents from spectators. After a ritual bath that signals the end of their animal life, the new initiates become “Jo children.”

Initially the ntomo was a society for uncircumcised boys. Today it closely resembles various Western associations in its bureaucratic structure and its administrative and membership fees. There are two main style groups of their masks. One is characterized by an oval face with four to ten horns in a row on top like a comb, often covered with cowries or dried red berries. The other type has a ridged nose, a protruding mouth, a superstructure of vertical horns, in the middle of which or in front of which is a standing figure or an animal. The ntomo masks with thin mouths underscore the virtue of silence and the importance of controlling one’s speech. During their time in ntomo the boys learn to accept discipline. They do not yet have access to the secret knowledge related to korè and other initiation societies.

ÉtatTrès bon
Retrait sur place L'œuvre peut être récupérée sur place. En tant qu'acheteur, vous devez apporter vos propres matériaux d'emballage. L'emplacement est : Hengelo, Les Pays-Bas
EnvoiColis postal
PrixJusqu'à 5 kg.

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