Gustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd - Vendu

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AcheterGustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd? Enchérissez de 23!
AcheterGustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd? Enchérissez de 23!AcheterGustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd? Enchérissez de 23!AcheterGustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd? Enchérissez de 23!AcheterGustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd? Enchérissez de 23!AcheterGustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd? Enchérissez de 23!AcheterGustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd? Enchérissez de 23!AcheterGustav Kurt Beck - Jaren 50 Kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven" potloodgesigneerd? Enchérissez de 23!
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  • Description
  • Gustav Kurt Beck (1902-1983)
Type d'œuvre d'art Estampes (Signé à la main)
Année 1954
Technique Gravure sur bois/Linogravure
Support Papier fait à la main
Encadré Non encadré
Dimensions 38 x 50 cm (h x l)
Signé Signé à la main
Traduit avec Google Translate. Texte original afficher .
  • Grote, in 1954 door de veelzijdige Oostenrijkse kunstenaar en modernist Gustav Kurt Beck gemaakte kubistische Linosnede "gevarieerd stilleven". Met potlood gesigneerd en genummerd (71/200). Verkeert in goede conditie en wordt losbladig aangeboden.
  • Gustav Kurt Beck (born April 28, 1902 in Vienna, † November 7, 1983 in Wolfsburg; also Gustav K. Beck) was an Austrian painter and graphic artist. Gustav Kurt Beck was an important representative of modern art and the abstract painting of the first two decades after the Second World War.

He studied at the Vienna School of Art until 1926.
From 1937 to 1946, Beck undertook extensive artistic study trips to North Africa, Italy and to the countries of the Balkans.
During the Second World War, Beck, who was in Rome, took part in the founding of an international art club (1945) in Italy. He returned to Vienna in February 1947 and founded the Austrian section of the Art Club Avantgarde of the new freedom and was the first general secretary to take over the management. Albert Paris Gütersloh became the first president of this kind of club. The Art Club presented itself as an artist group for the first time in April 1947 with an exhibition in the new gallery in Vienna.
In 1952, Beck founded the Galerie Art of Present together with Slavi Soucek in Salzburg.
In 1961 Beck came to Wolfsburg at the invitation of the city to set up a print workshop for artists in Wolfsburg Castle. Artists from home and abroad are given the opportunity to work in this print workshop. From then on, the castle is expanded into an artistic center. Beck brought his friends - internationally known artists such as Emilio Vedova, Werner writing, Luciano Lattanzi and Josef Mikl - to Wolfsburg.
In Wolfsburg, Beck met the freelance graphic designer and picture book author Katrin Brandt (* 1942 in Bad Homburg before the height), who came to Wolfsburg in 1966 and married them.
Beck founded the artist group Schloßstraße 8 in Wolfsburg. As well as the urban print workshop that he led until 1973

ÉtatTrès bon
Retrait sur place L'œuvre peut être récupérée sur place. En tant qu'acheteur, vous devez apporter vos propres matériaux d'emballage. L'emplacement est : Purmerend, Les Pays-Bas
EnvoiColis postal
PrixJusqu'à 2 kg.
A l'intérieur de : Les Pays-Bas 7,00 €
Vers la Belgique 15,00 €
Vers l'Allemagne 15,00 €
Au sein de l'Europe 17,50 €
Vers le monde entier 20,00 €

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Gustav Kurt Beck (1902-1983) 

autrichien autrichien

Mis en vente par  Artpointamsterdam
Membre depuis 2013
4272 lots vendus
Tous les lots (131)
50 cm
38 cm