Guy Renne - peintre et graphiste - Lithographie années 1960 - nature morte - signature au crayon - Vendu

AcheterGuy Renne - kunstschilder en graficus - jaren 60 Lithografie - nature morte - potloodgesigne? Enchérissez de 32!
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AcheterGuy Renne - kunstschilder en graficus - jaren 60 Lithografie - nature morte - potloodgesigne? Enchérissez de 32!
AcheterGuy Renne - kunstschilder en graficus - jaren 60 Lithografie - nature morte - potloodgesigne? Enchérissez de 32!AcheterGuy Renne - kunstschilder en graficus - jaren 60 Lithografie - nature morte - potloodgesigne? Enchérissez de 32!AcheterGuy Renne - kunstschilder en graficus - jaren 60 Lithografie - nature morte - potloodgesigne? Enchérissez de 32!AcheterGuy Renne - kunstschilder en graficus - jaren 60 Lithografie - nature morte - potloodgesigne? Enchérissez de 32!AcheterGuy Renne - kunstschilder en graficus - jaren 60 Lithografie - nature morte - potloodgesigne? Enchérissez de 32!AcheterGuy Renne - kunstschilder en graficus - jaren 60 Lithografie - nature morte - potloodgesigne? Enchérissez de 32!
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  • Description
  • Guy Renne (1925-1990)
Type d'œuvre d'art Estampes (Signé à la main)
Période 1945 à 1999
Technique Lithographie
Support Papier fait à la main
Encadré Non encadré
Dimensions 38 x 50 cm (h x l)
Signé Signé à la main
Tirage E.A.
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  • Een in de jaren 60 door de Franse kunstschilder en graficus guy Renne (1925-1990) gemaakte Lithografie getiteld "nature morte". Verkeert in goede staat met erg mooie kleuren. Potlood-gesigneerd en getiteld. Beeldmaat 34x45cm (BxH). Bladmaat 50x39cm.

Guy Renne (21 October 1925 in Moulins – 27 June 1990 in Montord) was a French painter, draughtsman, pastellist, engraver, sculptor. He was first a painter from Bourbonnais (Charroux), until his installation in Provence in Fontvieille, then in Arles where he would reside until his death.
Guy Renne was born in the Bourbonnais region in center of France in a bourgeois family. His father is a cavalry officer. His mother, cultivated and artist, watches over the intellectual and artistic education of her three children. She very quickly recognized the precocious artistic gifts of her son Guy, whom she strongly encouraged1.[1] He made his first exhibition in Clermont-Ferrand in 1938, when he was only thirteen years old. Shortly after, he discovered with fascination the world of museums, especially the Louvre. Major dazzling, in particular in front of the Corots, Ruysdaël, the School of Barbizon - and Rembrandts.

At the end of the war, in 1944, he made a short stint at the Beaux-Arts in Paris, whose academicism he rejected.
In 1952, he left his native Bourbonnais to settle in Arles then Fontvieille, where he lived until his death; a street bears his name in each of these municipalities.
Since his childhood, he has been fascinated and amazed by nature which he will never stop painting, from Bourbonnais until his arrival in Arles. Sketches, oils on paper or canvas mark his discovery of Provence.
Abstract Period
In the 60s, influenced among other contemporaries by Serge Poliakov and especially Nicolas De Staël, he painted abstract works. It is in particular the period of "Trigonometric Venus".[8][9] a series of female figures with geometric shapes inspired by Bernard Buffet This evolution towards geometric expression will continue in particular with his Jazz Rhythms series in which he explores the relationship between music and painting.
Trees and Stones
In 1969, he began to graphically interpret the patterns, drawing trees and landscapes of Provence in the series "Trees and Stones", sketches of the Alpilles then developed in the workshop in large drawings in Indian ink, to feather or reed, sometimes on a light background of printing or colored wash, on the theme of Trees and stones.

The end of the 1970s saw the emergence of the Baigneuses series, oils on paper organized in horizontal registers, in which voluptuous female silhouettes. Around 1985, the landscapes and silhouettes were reduced to rhythmic volumes.

ÉtatTrès bon
Retrait sur place L'œuvre peut être récupérée sur place. En tant qu'acheteur, vous devez apporter vos propres matériaux d'emballage. L'emplacement est : Purmerend, Les Pays-Bas
EnvoiColis postal
PrixJusqu'à 2 kg.
A l'intérieur de : Les Pays-Bas 7,00 €
Vers la Belgique 15,00 €
Vers l'Allemagne 15,00 €
Au sein de l'Europe 17,50 €
Vers le monde entier 20,00 €

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Guy Renne (1925-1990) 

français français Tous les lots de cet artiste (1)

Mis en vente par  Artpointamsterdam
Membre depuis 2013
4370 lots vendus
Tous les lots (148)
50 cm
38 cm