Teke - 180924 - African shield from the Teke - Gabon. - Vendu

AcheterTeke - 180924 - African shield from the Teke - Gabon.? Enchérissez de 45!
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AcheterTeke - 180924 - African shield from the Teke - Gabon.? Enchérissez de 45!
AcheterTeke - 180924 - African shield from the Teke - Gabon.? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterTeke - 180924 - African shield from the Teke - Gabon.? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterTeke - 180924 - African shield from the Teke - Gabon.? Enchérissez de 45!
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  • Description
  • Teke
Type d'œuvre d'art Objets ethnographiques
Période 1945 à 1999
Technique Bois
Style Africain
Sujet Bouclier
Dimensions 37 x 28 x 12 cm (h x l x p)
Traduit avec Google Translate. Texte original afficher .
African shield from the Teke, Gabon. 

This type of shields serves the Teke secret society and embodies a protecting spirit. 

Hand carved from a single piece of wood.

High are 37 cm.


The name of this people indicates its occupation—that is, trading—from teke, meaning “to buy.” The Teke settled in a territory lying across Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Gabon. During the 15th century they were integrated into the Tio kingdom, but attained independence in the 17th century. The basic social unit was the family, under the authority of the mfumu, or head of the family; the latter had the right of life and death over all family members and his prestige grew as their number grew – hence a tendency to own many slaves to increase one’s power and reputation. In terms of spiritual life, the mfumu mpugu, the village chief chosen as religious leader, was the most important personage; he kept the basket that contained the magic statuettes and the bones of the ancestors. The Teke often chose a blacksmith as chief – an important person in the community whose profession was passed down from father to son. The diviner, both sorcerer and healer, was also powerful; facilitating retributions, he would render effective the mussassi, personal protective statuettes, and would perform divination in instances of illness or death. The economy of the Teke is mainly based on farming maize, millet and tobacco, but the Teke are also hunters, skilled fishermen and traders. They believe in a supreme being, the creator of the universe called Nzambi, whose favors can be obtained with the help of tutelary spirits. 

Stand not included. You can buy the proffesional stand for 29.95 euro

ÉtatTrès bon
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Retrait sur place L'œuvre peut être récupérée sur place. En tant qu'acheteur, vous devez apporter vos propres matériaux d'emballage. L'emplacement est : Hengelo, Les Pays-Bas
EnvoiColis postal
PrixJusqu'à 5 kg.
A l'intérieur de : Les Pays-Bas 7,25 €

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