Yoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast - Vendu

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AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!
AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!AcheterYoruba - Old tribal used Yohure mask - Ivory Coast? Enchérissez de 45!
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  • Description
  • Yoruba
Type d'œuvre d'art Objets ethnographiques
Période 1900 à 1944
Technique Bois
Style Africain
Sujet Masque
Dimensions 44 x 26 x 12 cm (h x l x p)
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Tribal used and Very expressive african mask from the Yohure - Ivory Coast  

Hand carved from a single piece of wood.

Height: 44 cm. 

The 20,000 Yohure inhabit the central region of the Côte d’Ivoire, the territory between the White and Red Bandama Rivers, to the east of the city of Bouafle. The Yohure are geographically and linguistically situated between the Baule, an Akan language group to the east, and the Guro and Gban (Gagu), southern Mande-speaking peoples to the west. Depending upon their proximity to their neighbors, the inhabitants of Yohure villages are either entirely Baule or Mande speaking. Villages are generally associated with one clan. They are governed by a leader assisted by a council of elders who represent each family holding. Each family lineage traces his roots to a particular ancestor. Not only their language, but also the culture, religion and art are influenced by their powerful neighbors, the Baule and Guro. The Yohure possess a strong sense of identity and have evolved a refined art. The Yohure decorate different everyday objects with figurative representations, but first of all their beautiful masks reveal their artistic abilities.

ÉtatTrès bon
Retrait sur place L'œuvre peut être récupérée sur place. En tant qu'acheteur, vous devez apporter vos propres matériaux d'emballage. L'emplacement est : Hengelo, Les Pays-Bas
EnvoiColis postal
PrixJusqu'à 5 kg.
A l'intérieur de : Les Pays-Bas 7,25 €

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