Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. - Verkauft

Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!
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Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!
Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!Yoruba - 210119 - Old African Yoruba mask - Nigeria. kaufen? Bieten Sie von 35!
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  • Beschreibung
  • Yoruba
Art des Kunstwerks Ethnographie
Zeitraum 1945 bis 1999
Technik Holz
Stil Afrikanisch
Thema Maske
Maße 40 x 23 x 14 cm (h x b x t)
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Very expressive african mask from the Yoruba, Nigeria. Hand carved from a single piece of wood.
Size:  40 cm high.


The Yoruba people, numbering over 12 million, are the largest nation in Africa with an art-producing tradition. Most of them live in southwest Nigeria, with considerable communities further west in the Republic of Benin and in Togo. They are divided into approximately twenty separate subgroups, which were traditionally autonomous kingdoms. Excavation at Ife of life-sized bronze and terracotta heads and full-length figures of royalty and their attendants have startled the world, surpassing in their portrait-like naturalism everything previously known from Africa. The cultural and artistic roots of the Ife masters of the Classical Period (ca. 1050—1500) lie in the more ancient cultural center of Nok to the northeast, though the precise nature of this link remains obscure.

Now two-third of the Yoruba are farmers. Even if they live in the city, they keep a hut close to the fields; they grow corn, beans, cassava, yams, peanuts, coffee, and bananas. It is they who control the markets -- along with the merchants and artisans: blacksmiths, copper workers, embroiderers, and wood sculptors, trades handed down from generation to generation. 

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Abholen Die Arbeit kann vor Ort abgeholt werden. Als Käufer müssen Sie Ihr eigenes Verpackungsmaterial mitbringen. Der Standort ist: Hengelo, Niederlande
PreisBis zu 10 kg.
Innerhalb von Niederlande 8,00 €

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Nigerianisch Nigerianisch

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